martes, 17 de febrero de 2015


Please before strarting to read this new post for more information about robots read "Nao"

With NAO ASIMO is one of the best robots in the world, ASIMO can evaluate the problem and make their own decisión, the best one will be chosen to do it, ASIMO has learnt how to go up the stairs and because it has artificial intelligence is now used for building, schools, parks, helping old people and much more...

It´s higher tan ASIMO and just like a human he can think ASIMO will have a lot of probabilities on the robotic world to buy him he also teaches in somes university and helps people.

Let´s get to the video:
(UP) Asimo playing football
(DOWN) Asimo in a TV show.

(DOWN ) ASIMO on dineyland

Has you can see ASIMO has high potential and can maybe reappear in this blog with more information.
 See you in the next entry about a robot wich can "give you" superpowers?!


Have you ever dreamed about having a robot who can give a cash, play with you and much much more?
NAO is your perfect robot!

With an estature of 58 cm and a weight of 4.3 kg Nao is a perfect robot to play with you and it also gives various functions to work with it, in a departament in Japan NAO are giving cash in a bank!
It also teaches in some university´s!
Here you have the video of NAO:

 And of NAO...Next Gen a more devepolved Nao:

As you can see Nao is one of the bests robot in the world followed by ASIMO...


I am really sorry of what happened. In the last week I couldn´t write because I had some difficulties getting into blogger. This blog his now going to change to a more general things apart of only technology. I will publicate videos with interesant things and much more.

martes, 3 de febrero de 2015


In this entry I am going to talk about an incredible watch called iwatch. You may have heard about the Samsung watch but apple´s one looks...better.

Here is the oficial video:

Looks cool isn´t it. THe iwatch can be used for training, messages, calls and even for paying. This incredible watch will be aviable just soon (near the 22ºth of April) Apple estimates 1.000.000 people will buy it in just 4 weks. This watch has made people to think about Apple´s future and ... what do you think?
Thanks guys for Reading this article and you can comment below what 
you think abut think about this watch. See you in the nest entry. Bye!!!!

Atheer glasses

In this entry I am going to talk about glasses. But not only normal glasses, technological glasses! This glasses are called Atheer Labs and can allow you to interact with the world by a virtual form, because you can see new designs for your house virtually, play games etc...

You may not know what I am talking about but, just see the video:

As you can see this glasses are pretty unique because of the number of things wich are introduced, they are better tan google glasses and metha space ones and they are really cool! The glasses are going to go to the market this summer!

If you liked this entry you can suscribe pressing the suscribe botton. See you in the next future technology entry!!!


In this blog I am going to talk about the technology wich affect us and affects us in the future. New entrys will be uploaded regulary and I will talk about: new machines, new discoverments and a lot of other fun things!

See you in the first entry!!!